Full time artist - WEEK 1

Social Media

This week I've been working on Social media as it is one of the best ways of finding your market.

I know this! However, I didn't really realise how much work it was going to be, and I've only just started.

It's not just doing the work, it's knowing the best way to do it for the best results.

I signed up to a couple of free video courses about increasing your following by X% and/or increasing sales by several thousand pounds.

Slightly different methods, but only let you in on the basics. What they really want is for you to sign up to their paid content, which is absolutely fine, however.....one of them did a 90 minute video, 45 was selling their content. Which would be OK, except that the course would have been £3000! And, I've since had about 20 emails, direct messages etc etc!

It's probably worth it, they have enough testimonials saying how wonderful it all is, and how from nothing they are now selling £10,000 worth of art every month.

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But, I don't have £3,000 hanging about on the off-chance that it might work for me too!
So, I'm putting in the hours, trialling and erroring (not sure that's a word!) hoping that I can make it work for me.

Here are a few of the decisions that have to be made:

  • How many times a day/week/month should I post?

  • How much is too much? Will people get fed up hearing from me?

  • Videos or images? Or both?

  • What platforms?

  • Should I put myself front and centre or not?

  • Do I just put up a picture of artwork for sale every time, or should I mix it up with other things, like the satisfaction of doing the edges of a painting?

So, this week has mostly been about social media & admin.
Not the most fun, but it has to be done.

One thing I am going to shout about though, is a post I put on @threads, which is Instagram's version of X

It went like this:

So, that's 33,300 views!
and in the end, about 250 new followers


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painting the edges