

Pond evokes the atmosphere of a large, untamed pond or lake, left to grow wild and dreamy over time. This abstract, intuitive painting was created using several layers of acrylic paint on paper, applied with various tools to achieve its final form.

The color palette features blues, plums, browns, and greens, blending together to create a sense of depth and tranquility. Some straight lines within the composition may remind viewers of reeds, adding to the natural, unkempt feel of the scene.

As with much of my work, this piece evolved gradually, with each layer contributing to the overall texture and mood. Pond invites viewers to lose themselves in its serene, yet wild beauty, finding their own interpretations within its abstract forms.

(see the detail photos at the bottom of the page)

Acrylic on paper
This painting comes framed
SIZE: h. 29” x w. 38.5” (including frame)

PRICE: £300
(excluding delivery)

detail photographs